First: Don’t make major life decisions in the middle of a crisis. If you’re feeling an impulse to make a big change right now, notice that impulse and then do yo
ur best to sit on it for a few weeks.
Undercommit. During times of challenge, you’re allowed to be a little flaky. I recommend sentences like “I’m a tentative yes for this” or “I’d like to, but I need to think about whether I can do this.”
Limit your exposure to information you may find upsetting. Set a timer to remind you to stop compulsively reading whatever is making you panic. There will be plenty of time to read and learn later on. It’s not selfish to choose to opt out for a while.
Get outside. Once there, move your body. Slowly is fine. Less slowly is also fine.
Eat. At regular intervals. The best you can.
Sleep. At regular intervals. The best you can.
Find comfort. Take comfort. Give comfort. Cookies, TV, books, friends, and food are all good starts.
Figure out a small way to use the power you have in a tangible way. That may mean doing something kind for someone else. That may mean volunteering. That may mean writing a letter to the editor. Be careful not to overextend yourself! Refer back to #2.